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Planning Fees

The table below lists our most common planning fees. See Planning Fees By-law 2023-33 for a full list of departmental fees.

Payment Options

You can pay by:

  • Cash, Debit, Cheque or Credit Card in person at the Development Services office at 4432 George St., Sydenham, ON or,
  • Cheque made payable to Township of South Frontenac mailed to us or dropped off in our drop box or 
  • Online via credit card (see below payment link). When making payments online, please ensure you input the correct payment amount and file number.

Planning Fees


Item Fee Deposit

Pre-consultation fee:


Minor variances and Consents (pre-consultation fee)



Zoning By-law amendments, Official Plan Amendments, Plan of subdivision/condominium (pre-consultation fee)




Consent Application:



Change of conditions – minor



Change of conditions – major (requiring recirculation)



Zoning By-law Amendment:



After building without a permit:



Minor Variance Application:



Applications requiring extra work

       (4+ variances)



After building without a permit



Site Plan Agreement:



Site Plan – Commercial, industrial, institutional developments less than 4000 square feet + Site Engineering / Legal Deposit



Site Plan – Commercial, industrial, institutional developments equal to or greater than 4000 square feet + Site Engineering / Legal Deposit



Site Plan – Residential Waterfront



Official Plan Amendment



Plan of subdivision/condominium:



Plan of subdivision/condominium – less than 20 units



Plan of subdivision/condominium – more than 20 units



Change of condition following Draft Plan Approval



Draft Plan Extension



Final Design Review



Removal of ‘H’ Symbol



Road Allowance Closing



Licence Agreement



Lifting of 0.3m reserve



Deeming By-law



Part Lot Control By-law



Preparation of Condominium agreement



Preparation of Subdivision agreement



Preparation of Pre-servicing agreement



Preparation of Model Home agreement



Preparation of Development agreement



Calculation of MDS



Calculation of MDS (recalculation)






Zoning Compliance Review



Zoning Compliance Review – Drawing revisions



Zoning Compliance Letter



Zoning Compliance Letter (within 48 hours)



Natural Heritage Review



Telecommunications Tower Review         



Deposits are for legal and engineering fees incurred. Please ask staff for more information.

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