Public Services Department
See this page for a list of current road construction projects. For roads enquiries or to report an issue, please call 613-376-3027 or email
*For AFTER HOURS roads issues, please call 613-376-3027 and listen for the option to speak with our after hours service. The email address above is only monitored on regular business days, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm and not on statutory holidays.
2024 Roads Projects
Our 2024 Road Map lists the approved road and bridge construction projects. For detailed costs on these projects, see the 2024 Capital Budget Sheets from our 2024 budget package.
Roads Study
In 2022, the Township hired WSP/Golder, an engineering firm to do a comprehensive roads needs study. The total project cost of $49,774 was fully funded by a grant from the Ontario Municipal Modernization Fund. The findings were presented to Council in December 2022 and are now posted for public viewing.
The study assessed the state of the municipal-owned roads in the Township. Overall, the Township’s network average ratings for hard surfaced roads were “Good” due to our ongoing pavement preservation and maintenance programs, and “Fair” for gravel roads. You can find a summary of the key findings, an A-Z list of roads and their conditions and the full report at The study provides accurate data to help Council make informed decisions when deciding which roads to prioritize for road work in the short-term and long-term.
5-Year Plan for Hard Surfaced Roads and Bridges
In early 2023, Township staff worked on a five year capital plan for hard surfaced roads and bridges driven by the findings of the 2022 WSP Golder Roads Study. The five-year plan includes $36.1 million in hard surfaced road investments and $6.7 million in bridge investments through to the end of 2027. Key highlights of the plan include:
- Reconstruction of 19.0km of paved (asphalt) roads
- Rehabilitation of 8.9km of paved (asphalt) roads
- Total investments of 27.9km or 17.2% of all paved (asphalt) assets
- Reconstruction of 40.1km of surface treated roads
- Rehabilitation of 143.6km of surface treated roads
- Total investments of 183.7km or 41.4% of all surface treated assets
- Construction of 24.5 centerline-km of new paved shoulders
- Reconstruction 8 bridges / large culvert structures
- Rehabilitation of 4 bridges / large culvert structures
Note this is a living document and changing conditions may impact priorities and timelines.
Speed Limit and Parking
Traffic, parking and stopping on highways and bridges and speed limits under the jurisdiction of the Township of South Frontenac are all regulated through By-law 2000-01.
For questions concerning this by-law contact the Public Services Department.
Special Move Permits
Special permission may be required under Section 110 of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.8 when transporting heavy or wide loads throughout the Township.
Moves may be made during daylight hours on weekdays except between the hours of 7:30-9:30 am or 4:30-6:30 pm in congested areas. We do not approve moves on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.
Entrance Permits
If you are building a new dwelling, you need to apply for an entrance permit to your property.
Contact Us
Township of
South Frontenac
Public Services Dept
2490 Keeley Rd
Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0
T: 613-376-3027
TF: 1.800-559-5862
(if calling within the
613 area code)
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