The budget is more than just dollars and cents – it impacts you through the programs and services you receive and is one of the Township's most important strategic documents, serving as a guide for everything we do. Each time you enjoy a local park or beach, have your garbage and recycling collected, or use a recently plowed or repaired road, you are seeing your tax dollars at work. There are three main components:
- The operating budget covers the Township's regular services and programs such as garbage and recycling, road maintenance, parks and programs.
- The capital budget allocates funds for investments in capital assets and infrastructure like buildings and fleet.
- Reserves are funds set aside to manage unanticipated expenses and for long-term projects.
It is South Frontenac's goal to provide a balance of services that improve the quality of life for our residents, while also ensuring we have the organizational capacity to deliver cost-effective services in a changing world.
2025 Budget
The 2025 Budget was passed at the December 17, 2024 Council meeting. For full details, see the 2025 Budget Project page on engagefrontenac.
Budget Highlights
- Total operating and capital budget: $44,453,961 million
- Operating budget of $28,350,620 million
- Capital budget of $16,103,341 million
- This represents a 4.41% increase (Township portion only) to the average household or $77.74 a year*
Sample of Capital Projects Approved for 2025:
- $1,545,000 in fleet replacement for Fire and Public Services and $280,000 for Paid On-Call Firefighters (up to 30) recruitment/training
- $4,315,000 for Highway 38 reconstruction
- $250,000 for the Arterial Culvert Replacement - transfer to reserves for future funding
- $250,000 for a Joint Fire Hall & OPP Station-Design
- $250,000 for the Centennial Park - Baseball Diamond Rehabilitation
*based on an average assessment of $278,126
*based on an average assessment of $278,126
For a complete list of 2025 capital project, see the Capital Budget pages.
Budget Survey Results
Thanks to everyone who took our survey to provide feedback on the 2025 budget. 413 people took the survey compared to 564 last year. 77.24% of respondents agreed to keep the same tax rate or to increase to a reasonable rate.
We've posted the full budget survey results on the 2025 South Frontenac Budget page on our public consultation site.

Contact Us
Township of South Frontenac
4432 George St. Box 100
Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0
T: 613-376-3027
F: 613-376-6657
TF: 1.800-559-5862
(if calling within the 613 area code)
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