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Current Planning Applications

Below is a compiled list of all of the current planning applications awaiting a public meeting or a council or staff decision.  

To provide written comments, or for more information on these matters, contact:

Kate Kaestner

Planning Clerk
Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment
P.O. Box 100, 4432 George Street, Sydenham, Ontario, K0H 2T0

To register for a Committee of Adjustment or Council Meeting, please register using the registration link for the meeting on our Events Calendar.

To secure your in-person attendance at a Committee of Adjustment meeting, please contact Kate Kaestner, Planning Clerk & Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment at 613-376-3027 or

To secure your in-person attendance at a Council meeting, please contact James Thompson, Clerk at 613-376-3027 or

Consent Applications

Application Details

Subject Property Address: Notre Dame Street

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

The purpose of these applications is for the creation of two new residential lots. The severed parcel for PL-BDJ-2023-0112 will be 0.92 hectares of vacant land with 114 metres of frontage on Notre Dame Street. The severed parcel for PL-BDJ-2023-0113 will be 0.8 hectares of vacant land with 94 metres on Notre Dame Street. The severed lots are proposed for future residential development. The retained parcel will be 23.9 hectares of land with approximately 20 metres of frontage on Notre Dame Street and 65 metres of frontage on Graham Road. The retained parcel is vacant and no additional development is currently proposed on the retained parcel.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027 or

Application Details

Subject Property Address: 1133 Sassy Tree Lane & 1115 Sassy Tree Lane

Purpose and Effect of the Applications:

The applications seek consent to sever for the purpose of creating two new lot additions. The applicants are proposing a land swap between the two subject properties (1133 & 1115 Sassy Tree Lane):

•1133 Sassy Tree Lane is a 35.8Ac parcel with 145m of frontage on Desert Lake and 145m of frontage on Desert Lake Road. Lot Addition 1 (PL-BDJ-2024-0053) is related to 1133 Sassy Tree Lane and is proposing a 31Ac lot addition to be conveyed to 1115 Sassy Tree Lane. This application is also proposing a new easement to ensure access to retained lands over the proposed lot addition.
•1115 Sassy Tree Lane is a 1Ac parcel with 111m of frontage on Desert Lake and 18m of frontage on Sassy Tree Lane. Lot Addition 2 (PL-BDJ-2024-0054) is related to 1115 Sassy Tree Lane and is proposing a 0.07Ac (~300sqm) lot addition to be conveyed to 1133 Sassy Tree Lane.

If approved, the property civically addressed as 1133 Sassy Tree Lane would have approximately 4.9Ac of area and 145m of frontage on Desert Lake. Further, the property civically addressed as 1115 Sassy Tree Lane would have approximately 32Ac of area, 111m of frontage on Desert Lake and 145m of frontage on Desert Lake Road.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Application Details

Subject Property Address: 3070 Old Boy Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

Consent to sever a surplus house from a farm consolidation.  The severed parcel would be 2.5 acres in area with 76 metres frontage on Old Boy Road.  It would contain an existing house and garage.  The retained parcel would be 64.3 acres in area with 240 metres frontage on Old Boy Road and 320 metres on Perth Road.  The farm buildings would be removed.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Application Details

Subject Property Address: 984 Leland Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

The current parcel is comprised of two lots that have inadvertently merged on title. The application is requesting consent to create a new rural residential lot which would have the effect of separating the merged parcels. The severed parcel, which is vacant, is approximately 76ha in area with 480m of frontage on Leland Road. The retained lot is developed with a dwelling and accessory buildings and will be approximately 40ha in area with 100m of frontage on Leland Road and 150m of frontage on Dean Smith Road.  The subject property is designated Rural and Environmental Protection in the Township Official Plan and zoned Rural in the Township Zoning Bylaw.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027. or

Application Details

Subject Property Address: (Unaddressed) Holleford Road, Hartington

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

The application is requesting consent to create a new lot within the settlement area of Hartington. The severed parcel is approximately 6.8ha in area with 85m of frontage on Holleford Road. The severed lands are farm fields and contain a barn. The retained lot is located outside the settlement area and will be approximately 9.5ha in area with 250m of frontage on Road 38. The retained lands are farm fields and contain a solar panel. The severed lands are designated Settlement Area and zoned RU. The retained lands are designated Agricultural and zoned AG.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027. or

Application Details

Subject Property Address: 4902 Petworth Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

The application is requesting consent to create a new rural residential lot. The severed parcel is approximately 1.6ha in area with 115m of frontage on Petworth Road and 144m of frontage on Hanna Road. The retained lot will be approximately 38ha in area with 152m of frontage on Petworth Road. The subject property is designated Rural in the Township Official Plan and zoned Rural in the Township Zoning Bylaw.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027. or

Application Details

Subject Property Address: 1085 Gorr Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

The application is requesting consent for a lot addition. The proposed severed parcel is vacant and is approximately 2.5ha in area with no road frontage. The retained lot will be approximately 75ha in area. The road frontage of the retained lot on Quinn Road East and Gorr Road will be unchanged. As a result of the lot addition the benefitting parcel (3596 Quinn Road East) will increase in area from 0.85ha to 3.35ha in area.  There is no new development proposed as part of the application.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Application Details

Subject Property Address: 3803 Sydenham Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

Consent to sever a rural residential lot.  The severed parcel would be 3.5 hectares in area with 155 metres frontage on Railton Road.  The retained parcel would be 65 hectares in area with 145 metres frontage on Railton Road and 230 metres frontage on Sydenham Road.  The retained parcel contains a house and several accessory buildings.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Hearing Details
Date: July 11, 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and 4432 George Street (Council Chambers)

Subject Property Address: 3395 Moreland Dixon Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

The application seeks consent to sever for the purpose of creating one rural residential lot. The proposed severed lot would have 2 acres of area and approximately 84 metres of frontage on Princess Road. The retained parcel would have an approximate area of 89 acres with frontage on Princess Road and Moreland-Dixon Road.

Additional Applications: The lands are subject to Minor Variance application PL-ZNA-2024-0048

Application Details

Subject Property Address: Leveque Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

Consent to create four industrial properties together with a 20 metre wide right-of-way from Frontenac Road to a property to the east.
Lot 1 - 2.6 acres, 105 metres frontage on Battersea Road, 105 metres frontage on Frontenac Road. Lot 2 - 5 acres, 105 metres frontage on Frontenac Road, Nidus 3D Ltd. is on this lot. Lot 3 - 4.6 acres, 105 metres frontage on Frontenac Road. Lot 4 (Retained land) - 6.7 acres, 155 metres frontage on Battersea Road.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications

Application Details

Subject Property Address: Leveque Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

Consent to create three rural residential lots. Lot 1 would be 7.3 acres with 90 metres of frontage on Leveque Road. Lot 2 would be 6.5 acres with 90 metres of frontage. Lot 3 would be 5.6 acres with 90 metres of frontage. The retained parcel would be 16.7 acres with 697 metres of frontage.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications

Application Details

Subject Property Address: 3810 Perth Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

Consent for the purpose of one commercial lot addition. The severed portion would be 0.68 acres in area and would be conveyed to adjacent commercial lands at 3832 Davidson Road.The retained lands (3810 Perth Road) would be 2.7 acres in size with 120 metres frontage on Perth Road. They are developed with a gas station and a commercial/residential building.

Additional Applications: The lands are subject to consent application PL-BDJ-2024-0066

Application Details

Subject Property Address: 3810 Perth Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

Consent for the creation of one new commercial lot . The new lot would be 2.1 acres in area with 76 metres of frontage on Perth and 156 metres of frontage on Davidson Road. The retained lands (3810 Perth Road) would be 2.7 acres in size with 120 metres frontage on Perth Road. They are developed with a gas station and a commercial/residential building.

Additional Applications: The lands are subject to consent application PL-BDJ-2024-0065.

Minor Variance Applications

Hearing Details
Date: July 11, 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and 4432 George Street (Council Chambers)
Subject Property Address: 3395 Moreland Dixon Road

Purpose and Effect of the Proposed Variance: 

The application has been submitted in conjunction with consent application PL-BDJ-2024-0047. The proposed severed lot is located within the influence area of an existing quarry operation. For this reason, an application for a minor variance (PL-ZNA-2024-0048) has also been submitted to permit residential land uses within 300-500m of the quarry operation. The proposed severed lot is approximately 380m from the licensed quarry area.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications. 

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027. or

Hearing Details
Date: July 11 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and 4432 George Street (Council Chambers)
Subject Property Address: 100 Maple Grove Crescent

Purpose and Effect of the Proposed Variance: 

To request permission under Section 45(2) of the Planning Act to enlarge a legal non-conforming dwelling and attached deck located within 30m of the highwater mark of Bobs Lake. The existing single storey dwelling has a ground floor area of 66.8sqm and an attached deck with an area of 35.8sqm. The ground floor area of the proposed dwelling will be 80.3sqm plus a 15.7sqm covered deck and 8sqm open deck. The gross floor area of the proposed dwelling includes a full basement and partial second storey and will be 192.7sqm. The overall footprint of development will be increasing from 102.7sqm to 104.2sqm. The height of the dwelling will be increasing from 5m to 8.9m. The proposed dwelling will maintain the existing 22.9m setback from the highwater mark of Bobs Lake. 

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Hearing Details
Date: July 11 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and 4432 George Street (Council Chambers)
Subject Property Address: 3535 Desert Lake Road

Purpose and Effect of the Proposed Variance: 

The application seeks relief from Zoning By-law 2003-75 for the purpose of permitting a detached garage on the subject property. The applicant is proposing to build a 24ft x 20ft (480sqft) detached garage. The garage would be setback 10m from the front lot line, whereas the Zoning By-law requires 20m.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Hearing Details
Date: July 11 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and 4432 George Street (Council Chambers)
Subject Property Address: 6079 Short Street

Purpose and Effect of the Proposed Variance: 

The Owner proposes to construct an additional dwelling unit in an addition which is to be attached to the existing single detached dwelling on the property. The proposed addition would be a two storey addition with a garage on the lower level and the additional dwelling unit on the upper level. The Township Zoning By-law requires that additional dwelling units shall be less than or equal to the gross floor area of the principal dwelling. The gross floor area of the existing dwelling is 69sqm and the gross floor area of the proposed additional dwelling unit is 148sqm. A minor variance is requested to permit the additional dwelling unit to exceed the gross floor area of the existing principal dwelling. 

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Hearing Details
Date: July 11 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and 4432 George Street (Council Chambers)
Subject Property Address: 1112 Old Mine Lane

Purpose and Effect of the Proposed Variance: 

To request permission under Section 45(2) of the Planning Act to enlarge a legal non-conforming dwelling and attached deck located within 30m of the highwater mark of Sigsworth Lake. The existing dwelling has a ground floor area of 89.2sqm and an attached deck with an area of 17.9sqm. The dwelling will be expanded with a 26.8sqm sunroom attached to the west side of the existing dwelling. The deck will be extended by 6.8sqm with an area of new decking proposed in front of the sunroom. The height of the dwelling will not be increased as a result of the development. The existing dwelling and attached deck are set back 20.4m and 18m from the highwater mark of Sigsworth Lake. The proposed sunroom and deck extension will maintain these setbacks and not encroach closer to the water.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Zoning By-law Amendment Applications

Public Meeting Details

Date: Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and In-Person (Council Chambers)

Subject Property Address: Rutledge Road

Purpose and Effect of the Proposed By-law:

The purpose of the proposed by-law is to change the zone on the property from Urban Residential - First Density (UR1) to Urban Multiple Residential - Special Exception (UMR-XX).  The effect of the by-law would be to permit a six-unit apartment building on the property, a maximum 11.5m building height, and a minimum of one parking space per unit.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications. 

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027 or

Public Meeting Details

Date: Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and In-Person (Council Chambers)

Subject Property Address: 162 Campground Lane

Purpose and Effect of the Proposed By-law:

The application proposes to amend the zoning of the property to facilitate the development of tourist and event facilities on the property including a 4-room hotel, a lodge space with a restaurant and conference centre, four 1-bedroom cabins, three 2-bedroom cabins, and associated parking and amenity areas. The subject property is a former children's camp and is currently zoned Recreation Resort Commercial Special Exception (RRC-25). The application will amend the zoning of the property to permit additional uses to facilitate the proposed development. Site specific performance standards are also proposed to permit the development of some of the cabins in the area of existing development within the 30m setback of Bobs Lake.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications. 

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027 or

Public Meeting Details

Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and In-Person (Council Chambers)

Subject Property Address: 7359 Road 38

Purpose and Effect of the Proposed By-law:

The proposal is to change the zone on lands subject to consent application PL-BDJ-2023-0132. The consent application to create a new rural residential lot was granted provisional approval subject to conditions by the Director of Development Services on April 15, 2024. One condition requires that the severed lands to be rezoned from Rural Commercial - 8 (RC-8) to Rural (RU). The rezoning to RU would permit future residential development of the new lot.  

Additional Applications: The lands are subject to consent application PL-BDJ-2023-0132.

Road Closing Applications

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