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Emergency Management

The Township of South Frontenac has an Emergency Response Plan that outlines operations and procedures we‘ll follow in the event of an emergency. The Emergency Control Group reviews the plan annually.

If you have any questions regarding the plan, contact:

Community Emergency Management Coordinator
Phone: 613-376-3027

Emergency Management Ontario provides information about emergencies affecting Ontarians, how you can prepare for disasters and offers subscription notifications. See our tips below on how to be prepared for any emergency or download their 72 Hours Emergency Preparedness Guide and start today to make a plan for your family.

Emergency preparedness

In an emergency, it could take days for emergency workers to reach you. You should be prepared to take care of yourself and your family. Act now. Start by downloading our one page emergency plan, building a kit or a grab and go bag, or reading one of these key resources.

The following list includes items you may need to meet your household’s unique needs in an emergency, and items to have ready in case you have to leave your home quickly. It’s always a good idea to have a “grab and go” bag ready with these items at all times.

  • food (non-perishable and easy-to-prepare items, enough for three days) and a manual can opener
  • bottled water (4 litres per person for each day)
  • medication(s)
  • flashlight and glow stick
  • radio (crank or battery-run)
  • extra batteries
  • first-aid kit
  • candles and matches/lighter
  • hand sanitizer or moist towelettes
  • important papers (identification, contact lists, copies of prescriptions, etc.)
  • extra car keys and cash
  • whistle (to attract attention, if needed)
  • zip-lock bag (to keep things dry)
  • garbage bags

Special considerations

  • items for babies and small children—diapers, formula, bottles, baby food, comfort items like a favourite toy or blanket
  • prescription medication
  • medical supplies and equipment
  • pet food and supplies
  • any other items specific to your household’s needs

Extra supplies for evacuation

  • clothes, shoes
  • sleeping bags or blankets
  • personal items (soap, toothpaste, shampoo, comb, other toiletries)
  • playing cards, travel games and other activities for children

To help prevent wildfires

  • Always respect fire bans and our fire by-law (see the current fire ban status) and recognize when there is a higher risk of wildfires. High fire danger conditions include high winds, low humidity, drought, and elevated temperatures. 
  • Avoid using lawn equipment on hot, dry, windy days.
  • Never throw cigarettes into vegetation, potted plants or landscaping, peat moss, dried grasses, mulch, leaves, or other similar items—they can easily catch fire
  • Make sure your vehicle’s tail pipe or towing chain does not drag or cause sparks

Protecting your home from wildfires

  • For new homes and home improvements, use fire-resistant materials where possible 
  • Remove anything that can burn from around your home, deck, porch, or patio out to a minimum of 5 feet (1.5 metres). This includes mulch, dead leaves or pine needles, shrubs or other plants, wood piles, and material for construction projects
  • Any plant material that is 5 to 30 feet (1.5 to 9 metres) from your home should be well-watered and spaced to avoid fire moving from plant to plant. Remove dead material on and underneath landscape plants. Grass and weeds should be mowed to a height of no more than 2 to 3 inches 
  • Prune trees to create a 2 metre clearance from the ground to the lowest tree branches
  • Attic and garage vents should be screened with 1/8-inch (3-millimetres) metal mesh material, or a fire resistive vent design should be used to prevent ember penetration during a wildfire

If you need to evacuate your home due to a wildfire

  • Create a plan for evacuation. This should include knowing alternate routes out of the danger area and having prepacked kits with essentials such as medicine, family records, credit cards, a change of clothing and enough food and water for each household member for several days
  • Turn off air conditioning, water, and close all doors, garage doors and windows
  • Create a family communication plan that designates an out-of-area friend or relative as a point of contact to act as a single source of communication among family members in case of separation
  • Prepare a plan for the care of pets and other animals
  • Watch our website and media for wildfire alerts and updates. If needed, be prepared to leave at a moment’s notice. When told to evacuate, go promptly. If you feel unsafe, do not wait for an evacuation order — leave immediately. Do not return home until directed by emergency personnel.

Know what to do before, during and after a storm. A weather watch means conditions are possible. A warning means an event is expected, imminent or already happening. Seek shelter in both cases and follow weather reports.

Before a storm

  • Check in with family members and remind them about where to take shelter, meet and who to contact (based on your family emergency plan)
  • Locate your emergency kit, flashlights, etc. Fill up jugs of water if you don't have a supply on hand
  • Fully charge all mobile phones and plug your electronics into a surge protector
  • Secure outdoor furniture or bring items inside that could cause damage in a storm
  • Sign up to receive Hydro One outage alerts

During a storm

  • Take shelter indoors away from windows and doors. If there is a tornado warning, take shelter in a basement or lowest level of the house
  • Listen to local news for weather and storm updates
  • If the power goes out, avoid opening the fridge and freezer to retain the cold
  • If you are in a car, stay in your car. Keep away from trees or power lines that might fall

After a storm

  • If you see downed power lines, stay at least 10 metres back and report it right away to 1-800-434-1235
  • Don't wade through a flooded basement to reach an electrical panel
  • Conserve battery on your mobile phone by turning down screen brightness and closing unused apps
  • Check in on neighbours and friends
  • Replenish your emergency kit if necessary

  • Stay hydrated. Drink water every 15-20 minutes even if you're not thirsty
  • Stay indoors on lower levels, especially during the hottest part of the day
  • Dress in light-coloured, loose fitting clothing and wear a hat and use UV-protected eyewear and sunscreen
  • Take frequent cool showers or baths
  • Never leave a person or animal in a parked car or in direct sunlight
  • If you feel dizzy, weak or overheated, move to a cool place, rest by sitting or lying down and drink water. If you don't feel better soon, seek medical help.

Winter storms cause more fatalities in Canada than tornadoes, thunderstorms, lightning, floods and hurricanes combined. Be prepared for winter storms by:

  • Getting a regular maintenance check-up on your car and getting your winter tires on
  • Check the forecast and Ontario511 for road conditions and avoid unnecessary travel if conditions are hazardous
  • Have a supply of flashlights, candles and warm blankets on hand if you lose power
  • If you need to go outside, dress for the weather and keep fingers, toes, and ears covered to avoid frostbite
  • Avoid overexertion when shoveling snow by taking frequent breaks
  • Have a supply of sand/salt mix on hand (available from our public services yards)

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