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  • private lane in woods
    2024 Private Lane Upgrade Assistance Program Now Accepting Applications

    The Private Lane Upgrade Assistance Program provides grants for residents who live on private lanes to upgrade their lane to improve access for emergency vehicles. Applications are now being accepted for 2024.

  • clock with words tax time on it
    April 2 Tax Deadline

    The tax deadline is April 2, 2024. Please note our online Virtual Municipal Office is temporarily unavailable.

  • grass fire
    Fire Chief Urges Residents to Avoid Unnecessary Burning this Spring

    South Frontenac’s Fire Chief is asking residents to play it safe this spring and avoid unnecessary open air burns. Del Blakney, who took over the reins as the new Fire Chief in South Frontenac in January is asking for residents’ cooperation, given the dry end to winter and beginning to spring.

  • Chris Murphy and Jessica Wedden perform at last year's music festival
    Call for Musicians and Participants

    South Frontenac Township is on the hunt for musicians to perform at its Summer Kickoff Music Festival and popular Music in the Park summer series.

  • arundhati mohile
    Arundhati Mohile Joins South Frontenac Township as Director of Corporate Services and Treasurer

    Arundhati Mohile, CPA, CMA has joined South Frontenac Township as the new Director of Corporate Services and Treasurer.

    Arundhati has extensive experience in the municipal sector, having worked in a number of senior finance and operational roles for various municipalities in Ontario over the past 15 years, including as the Treasurer for the Township of Malahide, and most recently as a Manager in the City of Kingston’s Finance Department.

  • black bear
    Be Bear Wise to Prevent Bear Encounters

    The Ontario government and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are reminding the public to exercise caution as black bears come out of hibernation.  With this winter’s mild weather and lack of snow, there have been reports of black bears coming out of hibernation early in some parts of the province.

  • notice of public meeting
    Notice of Public Meeting on Proposed Closure and Sale of an Unopened Road Allowance

    The Council of The Corporation of the Township of South Frontenac proposes to pass a by-law to stop up, close and transfer ownership of three portions of unopened road allowance.

  • participants at the first water and wastewater open house
    Next Verona Master Plan Open House

    We will be holding an Open House in Verona at the Lions Hall at the end of March to present the findings for water and wastewater options for the proposed housing development in Verona.

  • notice of public meeting
    Notice of Public Meeting on Proposed Amendments to Procedural By-law

    The Council of The Corporation of the Township of South Frontenac will host a public meeting on proposed amendments to By-law 2017-76 which provides for the governing the proceedings of Council, the conduct of members and the calling of meetings.

  • big truck on a road
    Sydenham Water Treatment Plant 2023 Annual Report

    The Sydenham Water Treatment Plant 2023 Annual Report is now available on the Utilities page of our website.  There were no issues of non-compliance during the reporting period.

Contact Us

Township of South Frontenac

4432 George St. Box 100
Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0
T: 613-376-3027
F: 613-376-6657
TF: 1.800-559-5862
(if calling within the 613 area code)

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