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For Immediate Release     

I would like to start out by saying – we will all remember 2020.

This year has challenged us and forced us to adapt. We have confronted many things over the last few months, such as the loss of loved ones without the opportunity to mourn together, loss of finances, months of isolation, and all the stress that goes with it.

We have also had to face the disappointment of many cancelled events, such as Canada Day celebrations, graduation ceremonies, summer camps and swim programs, fairs, musical events, and our beloved Lakes & Trails and Pumpkin Festivals. Although upsetting, we will get through this together.

Despite all these challenges, there is a silver lining in that families have become closer and spent more time with each other, we have found new ways to stay connected at a distance, and when we look around the world, we can still say that Canada is the best country in the world to live in and that’s something worthy of our celebration.

Happy Canada Day!

All the best,

Mayor Ron Vandewal


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