green grass over septic system

September 18-22, 2023 is Septic Awareness Week and we want to flush out the facts on septic systems and how to keep your system healthy.

Properly designed and maintained wastewater treatment systems effectively reduce or eliminate most human health or environmental threats posed by pollutants in household wastewater. However, they require regular maintenance or they can fail.

Failing systems are expensive to repair or replace while a well-maintained system can last between 25-30 years. Here are some tips for maintaining your system:

  1. Never flush wipes, feminine products, oils or grease down the sink or toilet
  2. Watch your water usage: stagger your laundry, don’t run water devices at the same time, and replace toilets with low flush models
  3. Newer septic tanks have effluent filters that prevent large particles from clogging your leaching bed prematurely. Remove, rinse and replace your filter six to twelve months or as needed
  4. Don’t plant trees, shrubs or vegetable gardens on leaching beds
  5. Keep your leaching bed free of things that can compact the soil or damage the pipes: trailers, trampolines, vehicles, temporary shelters or even building materials
  6. Get your septic pumped every 3-5 years
  7. Maintain accurate records of maintenance, service and pump-outs

For more information on septic systems, see this video, the Septic Smart brochure on our website, or other great resources at

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